As you will probably know, flying is one of the oldest dreams of mankind. That dream can become reality through a sport called Paraglyding. Paraglyding, also known as Parapente, is an air sport. All you need to go paraglyding is a paraglyder (a sort of a parachute) and a mountain. Just go to the top of the mountain, unpack your paraglyder and....... FLY. It's so fun!! If you have ever been in the Alps or so, you can see the pilot's fly and soare close to the mountain. Good pilots can stay in the air up to 5 hours. That's the kick of paraglyding. Just try and stay in the air for as long as possible. You could learn it yourself, if you would take a week course, you would fly alone after 2 days from a 50 meter hill. After 4 or 5 days, you would be flying all alone from a hight of 1000 meters. During your flights you will still have radio contact with your instructer but you fly all by yourself. And that's no joke! I've flown it myself to. I've made about 40 flights and almost got my licence so that I could fly all alone without any instructer on the ground watching me. Everything went alright till my last flight. It was almost fatal. I crashed from a height of 300 meters via a spiral. When I "landed" I kind of broke my back. That was on 18th of July 1996. Since then things only went better and nowadays I hardly have any troubles with my back. I would like to fly again, just to see if I still like it, but my Mum won't let me. I know, that's quit normal, but still I hope I'll be allowed to go sometime before I'm 22 or so. ![]() ![]() ![]() Back to serious stuff page |